Lee DeWyze was crowed the new American Idol Wednesday night. Don’t know the name you say? Many don’t remember much of this season of American Idol, which has been losing ratings faster than Jennifer Hudson lost her flab. And the new American Idol is! Who cares!
I for one got bored fast with this seasons contestants and ho hum guitar performances. Maybe Paula Abdul should come back. Abdul was known for her flaky behavior, dancing for no reason and unusual advice for contestants, “you have pretty shoes”
Simon Cowell’s farewell from American Idol was watched by 24.2 million total viewers Wednesday night, according to Nielsen numbers, representing the lowest-rated finale since the first season of the singing competition. The show still pulls in high numbers but now that Cowell is gone, whoever takes his place could revive or put another hole in a sinking ship.
What went wrong with this season is up for debate. Chirstwire.org blames low ratings on Ellen Degeneres being a lesbian. “It is more than obvious that Ellen’s only motive for joining American Idol is to help spread the gay agenda.” The so-called Christian website added, “Ellen has a plan to use American Idol as a staging ground for promoting people who sing gay-inducing songs. I thought thats what 'Glee' was for.
“I’d hate to see the stats of how many kids catch AIDS or herpies (sic) dropping out of school because American Idol and Ellen turned them into gays.” What about all the girls getting knocked up in this country? Could that be the lilly white mans fault?
Could it be Ellen’s lady loving that has weakened the mighty ship that was once unbeatable in the ratings? Or is the real reason American Idol sucked this year was because of boring contestants, silly mentors (Miley Cyrus!) and a change in public taste.
I’m cynical if next season of Idol could be exciting again. It all just depends on the new judge and contestants.
One thing I’m sure of is, Ellen’s taste for the ladies will not hurt a show where people watch for the singers and not a judge’s sex life. What would Jesus do? He would tell those lesbo hating Christians to shut up and just enjoy the show.
Written by Hudson Taylor
Right on. And, maybe, just maybe, we've tuned into (horrors) other shows with gay "characters" on them, including Modern Family and Glee. Doesn't seem like those ratings have suffered.